Monday, November 23, 2009

Elephumans Story

Ashley Birnbaum period:2

My imaginary creature is an elephant with human eyes. His name is Elephuman. Elephuman is only 2 years old. He has always wanted to be both human and animal. So, I gave him characteristics a human would have. He mostly is found on a beach with a gorgeous sunset as a background. He is unique because he only likes human food but he hates peanuts, while his friends and family love peanuts, but Elephuman can do not only things an elephant can do but what humans can do as well. His parents are very disappointed in his appearance they as well as friends and family think he is hideous. So he has no friends or family to reach out to. He is looking for a friend or just someone he can spend time with but nobody cares. So poor Elephuman mostly spends his days alone with nobody to talk to. This makes him very sad. He even considers taking back his wish of becoming half he just wants to be normal like everyone else so maybe one day he will actually have a friend. Although he knows the wish was a one time opportunity and no matter what he does he can never change back. Elephuman never thought changing himself would result in such action like this he is very sad, lonely, and disappointed with himself.


  1. You don't have the Emerging Technologies blog posted on here.

    -Elora A.

  2. It's a good story though :) I like it bunches.

  3. oh wait I think i'm supposed to write an additional part to your story..
    Elephuman will meet with his family and reconcile their differences between themselves as a family. He won't feel sad and disappointed anymore after his, but happy, excited and over-joyed to be with his family again.
