Thursday, January 14, 2010

Flash Basics

What type of file can be modified in Flash CS3? (just list the file ending)
-An FLA file.
2. What is the national standard for American television video broadcast?
-NTSC (National Television System Committee).
3. What part of the Flash interface displays the movie you are working on?
-The stage.
4. You need to turn these on BEFORE you can use guides.
-Right click on the "graphic" label and select "Add Motion Guide" from the pop-up window.
5. What is the gray area surrounding the Stage in Flash CS3?
-The work area.
6. What is the magnetic pull of objects to a grid?
The objects snap to the grid set up by Flash.
7. What is the default frame rate for Web playback in Flash CS3?
-12 fps.
8. What is exporting your final Flash CS3 file called?
-The final file type is SWF.
9. Designing for the Web is normally measured in what unit of measure?
-The web is measured in pixels.
10. What are palettes in Flash CS3 called?
-Flash uses panels

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